Sauvegardes managées à distance pour Proxmox VE
Ajoutez du stockage à vos serveurs Proxmox VE et sécurisez vos données dès maintenant !
100+ users
1000+ servers
8000+ snapshots

Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour des SAUVEGARDES sécurisées et fiables.
Cessez de perdre du temps à déployer ou maintenir vos serveurs de sauvegarde.
Nous nous en chargeons pour vous !
Faile à utiliser
- Une ligne de commande, et sauvegardez
- Rétention pré-configurée
- Restauration de fichier simplifiée
Facile à configurer
- Rien à programmer, aucune configuration
- Tests d'intégrité automatiques
- Nous assurons les mises à jour
Facile à faire évoluer
- La plateforme évolue avec vos besoins.
- De 250Go à 250To et +
- Possiblité de sauvegarde objet
Clients déjà satisfaits
5 stars
Avis utilisateurs
Automatisé et scalable
3 solutions
- Datastore dédié
- Instance PBS dédiée
- Serveur physique
Fait pour évoluer avec vous.
La plateforme Cloud-PBS est conçue pour évoluer avec votre entreprise, vous permettant d’étendre facilement votre stockage à mesure que vos besoins augmentent !
- Gestion des maintenances et mises à jour
- Dernières versions de Proxmox Backup Server
- Solutions sur mesure.
Vous avez des besoins spécifiques pour vos sauvegardes ? Nous le gérons pour vous. Contactez nous
- Jobs de vérification et de contrôle pré-configurés
- 100% compatible avec vos serveurs PVE
- Assistance sur mesure.
Nous faisons le maximum pour appréhender vos problématiques et y trouver des solutions.
Vous aider à sécuriser vos données facilement
En utilisant Cloud-PBS pour gérer votre instance Proxmox Backup, vous économisez du temps et des ressources qui seraient autrement consacrés à la maintenance et au support.
De 250 Go à 250 To, suivez quelques étapes et profitez de notre solution Proxmox Backup facile à utiliser.
- Facilité d'utilisation
- Possibilité de réplication géographique des données
- Tarification à l'espace de stockage
- Plateforme sécurisée
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Chiffrement des données
Grâce aux puissantes capacités de chiffrement de PVE, vos sauvegardes sont sécurisées et illisibles par des tiers non autorisés.
Déploiement automatisé
Découvrez nos offres, abonnez-vous et profitez de notre solution de sauvegarde facile à utiliser.
Sans compromis sur la sécurité
24/7/365 supervision, assurée par un support réactif
Grâce à notre support proactif, vous n'êtes plus seuls face à vos problématiques de virtualisation et de sauvegarde.
- Tous nos yeux sur votre instance : Notre système de surveillance permanent déclenche des alertes si une instance est hors ligne ou si le stockage approche de sa capacité maximale. Grâce à ce système, nous pouvons vous tenir informé jusqu’à ce que le fonctionnement normal soit entièrement rétabli.
- Accès complet : Avec l’option d’accès complet, vous avez un contrôle total pour configurer votre instance comme vous le souhaitez. Par exemple, vous pouvez installer un logiciel VPN pour récupérer des sauvegardes depuis un serveur Proxmox Backup existant vers Cloud-PBS.
- Réplication de stockage : Avec l’offre Corp, nous dupliquons et synchronisons le stockage entre deux centres de données distincts.
Datastore dédié
- Un stockage dédié, sur une instance partagée
- From 250GB to 1TB – Push your local backups to Cloud-PBS !
- Notre best-seller “Commencez vos sauvegardes dans 5 minutes“
Instance PBS dédiée
- Une instance Proxmox Backup Server dédiée
- De 1To à 10To – Fonctionnalités illimitées
- Option Full access “Prenez le contrôle ”
Serveur physique
- Un serveur physique dédié
- De 20To à 250To – Fonctionnalités illimitées
- Le choix du roi "Nous nous occupons de tout !”
Questions fréquentes
Comment ça marche ?
J’ai un serveur Proxmox Backup. Puis-je synchroniser mes sauvegardes avec Cloud-PBS ?
Y'a il un outil spécifique à installer ?
Est-il possible de filtrer le trafic entrant vers mon instance ?
Puis je changer de plan ?
Est il possible de conserver mon instance entre la période d'essai et l'abonnement ?
J'ai besoin d'installer un logiciel sur mon instance Cloud-PBS, est ce possible ?
Comment sont chiffrées mes données ?
Ma version de Proxmox est elle compatible ?
Plus de 100 clients satisfaits dans le monde entier nous font confiance !
Nos clients sont contents et le disent !
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Wish I knew it before
Cloud-PBS offers a good option of proxmox backup. By relying on PBS, I have out-of-the-box cloud-based backup, which works like a charm if you don’t want/have resources available locally to perform your precious vm’s backups. I’m a user for 3 months and never had issues with the service. Moreover, support was always very friendly and quick at responses. I wish I knew it before.
Affordable and efficient!
Very affordable service compared to competitors, support is very good, it’s not a 5 since the service is new and still rough, but keep up the great work!
Great Proxmox Cloud Backup Service!
This Cloud Proxmox Backup Service is really easy to use, works very well and support is great.
Great solution
Cloud-PBS is a great choice for your Proxmox Backup. The solution works well, the pricing is competitive, and the support team knows how it works.
Works like a charm
Very happy with this service, support is really quick and responsive, price is great !
Works well at low price.
Works well at low price.
Need to backup easily some production servers, that’s will do the work like a charm.
Can easily join support which was very accommodating et efficient.
Vous ne trouvez pas de réponse à vos questions ? Contactez nous →
Prêt à sauvegarder vos serveurs ?
Il n'y a pas de meilleur moment que maintenant !
© Copyright 2025
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Cloud-pbs est une solution de Backup As A Service opérée en France et hébergeant des données en Union Européenne.
Nous sommes experts en logiciels libres et particulièrement dans les environnements Proxmox.
Notre mission est de fournir un serveur de sauvegarde sécurisé, fonctionnel et supervisé en quelques minutes.
Nos produits sont conçus aussi bien pour les homelabs que pour les entreprises souhaitant sécuriser leurs données sans perdre de temps à gérer leurs serveurs de sauvegarde.